The Passion Into Profit Home Study Program


A Self-paced, Independent Study Program
that Transforms Emerging Coaches
into Focused, Profitable, Savvy Business Owners

Now that you’re a great coach, it’s time to become a masterful entrepreneur!

And with the Passion Into Profit (PIP) Home Study Program, you can do so at your own pace. The Passion Into Profit program is a comprehensive business-building program that teaches you everything you need to develop a thriving, sustainable, six-figure coaching practice.

Delivered in a step-by-step series of strategies, tools and actionable insights, the Home Study Program is the perfect solution for emerging coaches who need a clear plan of action – without the structured time commitments of the interactive PIP Program.

Most coaches wrestle with the same challenges:

How do I market my services – without spinning my wheels?
How do I make time for everything – admin, planning, clients… and me?
How do I get my first 1 on 1 paying clients?
How do I transform an interested prospect into a committed, paying client – without feeling like a pushy salesman?
What am I supposed to charge as a coach?
Where am I going to find people who want to pay me for what I do?
Where do I start with online marketing?
How do I structure my business to make more money in less time?
The PIP Program answers all these questions and more. Participants get the inside story on what works, what doesn’t, and which way to turn when you get stuck.

Built around a series of 24 business-building strategies, the PIP Program is a LOT more than just the concepts… it features actionable tools to help you implement the strategies and start increasing your profits and growing your business NOW.

The home-study program includes:

12 Pre-recorded Webinars (including PowerPoints) – exploring 24 core concepts that any coach can use to boost their bottom line.

You will have at your fingertips, the tools to:

  • Design a marketing plan that is aligned with your natural strengths
  • Decide what profits centers and business models work best for you
  • Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset and break through what’s holding you back
  • Use the power of the micro-niche
  • Write your own personalized CREDO
  • Powerfully Mastermind efficiently and effectively
  • Enroll your ideal client
  • Shift from selling to sharing
  • Go from “Hello” to getting a financial commitment
  • Create raving fans
  • Implement a lead generating system to turn prospects into clients
  • Develop a new money mindset
  • Use backward pricing
  • Design your unique process
  • Use pricing strategies effectively
  • Determine your fees and fee structure
  • Use strategic pricing
  • Implement the 4 critical activities for success
  • Design a 90 day action plan that gets you paying clients
  • Use business success habits of 6 figure entrepreneurs
  • Network efficiently and effectively
  • Embrace your genius
  • The power of tracking and debriefing to retain your ideal clients
  • Master Coach Teresia’s SET principle

A Complete Package of Supporting Materials – including scripts, sample contracts and worksheets to start putting ideas into action. 

Complimentary copies of my most popular e-books:

  • How to Turn Prospects Into Clients with the Complimentary Session (Sells for: $129USD)
  • The Magic of the Mastermind (Sells for: $49USD)

The Passion Into Profit Program is fast-paced and results oriented, giving you the foundation, concepts and confidence you need to become a truly savvy entrepreneur. It is specifically designed to help emerging coaches build profitable and sustainable business – quickly!

Why reinvent the wheel? This is your chance to leverage the insights and experience of a master coach – one who already made all the mistakes, and learned firsthand what really works!

The PIP Program is a time-tested blueprint for success in the coaching industry – a true shortcut to faster growth, bigger profits and the success you know you can achieve.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
It’s easier than you think!

Your investment is only

Purchase - $795


Breakthrough Coaching Sessions

At a special price just for the purchasers of the PIP home study program: You have the unique opportunity to book 3 Breakthrough Coaching Sessions with our Mentor Coach, Tania Walter Gardiner. Book your mentor sessions when you purchase the PIP Home Study Program for the special discounted price of $200USD/ea (to be used within 6 months of your PIP Home Study Program purchase). These sessions will help you customize the PIP principles, so you can leverage and get the most value from the program.


Tania Walter Gardiner, MA, BA, PCC

Tania is an established coach and successful entrepreneur. Tania coaches entrepreneurial business leaders to expedite values-based, progressive and sustainable results. 

Tania graduated from the live Passion into Profit program in 2011 and has since been a mentee of Teresia LaRocque, founder and creator of the Passion into Profit Program. Tania was the first mentor coach for the Passion Into Profit program in 2012 and since then has continued to mentor coaches in using the Passion into Profit system in building successful businesses. 

In addition, Tania is a seasoned PCC coach and facilitator with an in-depth knowledge of “The Art and Science of Coaching” training program offered by Erickson International. 

Having Tania as your personal mentor is a great opportunity to be coached by someone who gets where you are and has courageously walked the path of turning her passion of coaching into a profitable business.

Tania brings 20+ years combined experience of coaching, leadership, management and training and huge dose of passion and desire to support others in creating the entrepreneurial success they desire.