No matter what kind of loss, I am sure I can speak for most, it forces one to reflect and reevaluate life. 

Loss changed everything for me. Everything as I knew it has changed. It is scary. I did not choose it but I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and doing my best to consciously create the best life for Kenny and I.


Teresia Larocque



Brian's highlight. 

My highlight. 

Kenny's highlight. 

Our trip to France was extraordinary! Many many pockets of joy, and like all extraordinary things after loss, moments of sorrow was close by. 

I was surprised to learn when we arrived to Saint Remy that we were so close to Pont du Gard. Being a history buff, this ancient Roman Aqueduct was a must see for Brian when we traveled together to France in 2002, so much so, we have a picture he took framed in our living room. 

When Kenny and I settled in on our first night in Provence, I read in a local travel magazine that Pont du Guad was twenty minutes away; my heart sank, I knew I had to take Kenny there. 


I am committed to keeping Brian's legacy alive in Kenny's heart and soul.

I am committed to ensuring my son knows who his dad was and continues to learn from him. 

Without a doubt I want my legacy to be, in the eyes of my son, that I played a part in him continuing to have his dad's influence throughout his life. 

In capturing a glimpse of Brian's legacy, the stars were aligned. I had a girlfriend house sitting our home while we were gone, I called her and asked her to pull out our European album and text me a picture of Brian standing in front of the Aqueduct. 

With a picture in hand, Kenny, my girlfriend, her three girls and I were on a mission to find the exact spot Brian stood 15 years ago. 

We found it. 

It was bittersweet. 


Embracing Brian's legacy for my son has been a great catalyst to further consider mine. 

By asking ourselves how we want to be remembered, what we stand for is a powerful way to live; It plants seeds for living our lives in a way that makes a difference. 


We will all leave one, let's leave one that counts

Mother's Day and the gift I want for all moms. 

Mother's Day and the gift I want for all moms. 

Public figure speaking out. Loss is traumatic. Loss changes everything. 

Public figure speaking out. Loss is traumatic. Loss changes everything.