No matter what kind of loss, I am sure I can speak for most, it forces one to reflect and reevaluate life. 

Loss changed everything for me. Everything as I knew it has changed. It is scary. I did not choose it but I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and doing my best to consciously create the best life for Kenny and I.


Teresia Larocque

Let in the whole truth

Let in the whole truth

Letting in the whole truth. Loss is an inevitable part of life. Dealing with a significant loss can be one of the most difficult times in a person's life. I have recently experienced a great loss. Just over a year ago my life partner and father of my child suddenly passed away. My heart was broken open and my life instantly turned upside down. Many of you reading this are experiencing your own loss, perhaps loss of health, unexpected change in your career, navigating your way through a divorce, loss of a loved one, or the letting go of a long-held dream. Loss is heartbreaking. Period. It can be very easy to be enveloped in the heaviness of grief. Embracing my blessings continues to be my life line.

Whether it is openly receiving that I have a mother that makes it a priority to connect with me daily and unconditionally accepts all parts of me..... or a friend who continues to send texts, precisely in the moments I need reminding I am not alone, letting me know she is there for me... Or when my six year old son walks across the room to give me a hug when he notices I am shedding a tear because I miss his dad. 💛🙏

Tragedy sucks. Loss is heartbreaking. Being intentional about acknowledging and embracing the blessings birthed from loss can be your life line and your greatest step in once again living a life you love. Give your heart this gift and allow yourself to let in the whole truth. Do share below what might be one of your blessings in the midst of your challenge - make it another step in embracing and acknowledging your life blessings. ~ Teresia 💛

I will be relocating to Ottawa.

I will be relocating to Ottawa.

Is your life in transition?

Is your life in transition?