No matter what kind of loss, I am sure I can speak for most, it forces one to reflect and reevaluate life. 

Loss changed everything for me. Everything as I knew it has changed. It is scary. I did not choose it but I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and doing my best to consciously create the best life for Kenny and I.


Teresia Larocque

I will be relocating to Ottawa.

I will be relocating to Ottawa.

Have you ever let go of experiences you value in pursuit of greater fulfillment? In 4 short months in support of my sabbatical; catalyzed by loss, my son and I will be relocating to Ottawa. I am very aware of all the extraordinary things I will miss about my life in Vancouver; In particular the beauty of Vancouver (hanging out by the ocean is definitely one of my happy places) and... my treasured friends. 💛🙏

Thank you, Gail, for a wonderful evening. Have you ever let go of experiences you value in pursuit of greater fulfillment? Perhaps quitting a job that gave you the financial security you needed to start your own business? Leaving a romantic relationship not because there was a lack of love and admiration but that certain something was missing? Taking a leave from your valued based career to raise a child? These are tough decisions! Share below, I want to celebrate with you and encourage you to take a moment to acknowledge yourself. These decisions take courage, self-trust and an inner warrior to not settle for less than you desire.

Maybe you are considering a change in pursuit of greater fulfillment......pop over and read my blog on the life decisions I have made in pursuit to heal my heart and rebuild a fulfilling life; it just may give you the inspiration you need to keep taking those courageous steps. Together. We can. 💛

Live Life Fully

Live Life Fully

Let in the whole truth

Let in the whole truth