No matter what kind of loss, I am sure I can speak for most, it forces one to reflect and reevaluate life. 

Loss changed everything for me. Everything as I knew it has changed. It is scary. I did not choose it but I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and doing my best to consciously create the best life for Kenny and I.


Teresia Larocque

"Look mom, we are closer to daddy!"

"Look mom, we are closer to daddy!"

Warning! Gushing mom moment.

Kenny and I are now back from our trip to Provence France and I am sitting here in gratitude of how much Kenny embraced traveling. He was an exceptional travel companion! And that makes my heart sing!

He was flexible, adaptable, adventurous, curious, friendly, engaging, helpful and overall maintained his cheerful demeanor; even during our 22 hrs of travel to get to and from our destination. (This was a pleasant surprise because at home, the evenings when I miss his "sleep window", his natural time to go sleep, things can turn on a dime and the great travel companion personality is nowhere to be seen 😳.)

Daddy was present during our travels. His name came up daily. Brian loved to travel. Brian was a great traveler. Like all of my extraordinary experiences since Brian passed away it is accompanied with great sadness. There were many moments I silently wished Brian was with us to witness his son stretching out of his comfort zone and embracing all that travel had to offer. I know Brian would be so so proud of his son.

Today I am grateful that my son is in so many ways like his dad, including what appears to be the love of adventure that travel offers.

My hope is that Kenny's adaptability for travel is a lifelong characteristic. The travel bug has been reignited in me and I am dreaming a new dream of sharing many more travel adventures with Kenny.

After all, what I am learning is that true happiness is sharing magical experiences with those you love. Brian is not here to do that with but Kenny is. ❤🙏

My Priority is restorative, spiritual growth and to be a present mom.

My Priority is restorative, spiritual growth and to be a present mom.

Deepen your commitment to authenticity. Feel it. Embrace it. Express it.

Deepen your commitment to authenticity. Feel it. Embrace it. Express it.