No matter what kind of loss, I am sure I can speak for most, it forces one to reflect and reevaluate life. 

Loss changed everything for me. Everything as I knew it has changed. It is scary. I did not choose it but I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and doing my best to consciously create the best life for Kenny and I.


Teresia Larocque

My Priority is restorative, spiritual growth and to be a present mom.

My Priority is restorative, spiritual growth and to be a present mom.

I am up early and treasuring this time to be with my thoughts and feelings. In the way that my life has unfolded at this time I do not have this experience as often as I would like, it is something my soul is craving (and with that said, Kenny woke up and I am just able to complete and share this now :) and I know that God has orchestrated my life in a way that this internal time is needed and encouraged. I want to listen and follow.

As I type this the tears flow. Loss has revealed everything that needs healing and attention. What is emerging in my life is bigger than me, on every level. I must surrender, I have no choice.

What is absolutely important to me at this time and maybe for the rest of my life……... is that I have space. I have an abundance of white space. This is the reason I am turning my life upside and making all the radical changes.

I am concerned I will fill it up with “work” related activities (my default for many years).  

Even with what I know to be my mission, my priority is restorative, spiritual growth and space to be a present mom.  This is a must, I am being called to do so, it is probably the most challenging thing for me to do right now but I know it is the next step for my soul.

In the past, my personal priorities got about 20% of my time and during my sabbatical I want that to be turned around. I do not believe my sabbatical will officially start until October as there are many logistics to manage with moving and relocating, and each one continues to play on me emotionally.

My intention is to go slow, go deep, and embrace high quality in all that I do.

I share this to reinforce my commitment to myself and perhaps it will stir something within you.

Together we can ❤


The power of "I love you"

The power of "I love you"

"Look mom, we are closer to daddy!"

"Look mom, we are closer to daddy!"